Parallel sessions

  • Group theory, Lie groups, semigroups, Lie superalgebras, representation theory, and harmonic analysis (organizers: Melanija Mitrović, Serbia; Kinvi Kangni, Côte d'Ivoire)
  • Probability, statistical models, infinite dimensional analysis and related topics (organizers: Youssef Ouknine, Marocco; Sophie Dabo, France; Simplice Dossou-Gbété, France)
  • Discrete mathematics, graph theory, combinatorics and applications in theoretical physics (organizers: Remi Avohou, Benin; Audace Olory, Benin, and Eric Andriantiana, South Africa)
  • (Super)integrable models, geometric mechanics, geometric methods and symmetries (organizers: Sonja Hohloch, Belgium; Partha Guha, United Arab Emirates; Cyriaque Atindogbé, Benin)
  • Quantum systems, quantum mechanics, quantification techniques and coherent states (organizers: Jean-Piere Gazeau, France; and Laure Gouba, Italy)
  • Supersymmetry, noncommutative geometry, string theory, quantum gravity,  and field theories  (organizers: Joseph Ben Geloun, France; and Dine Ousmane Samary, Benin)
  • Clifford algebras, Clifford analysis and applications (organizers: Dmitry Shirokov, Russia; and ...)
  • Hopf algebras, quantum groups, and K-theory
  • Hom-algebras, Lie groupoids, Lie algebroids and nonassociative algebras (organizers: Abdenacer Makhlouf,  France; and )
  • Lie algebraic aspects in mathematical physics (organizers: Chengming Bai,  China; Yun Gao, Canada)
  • Signal theory, quantum formalism, wavelets and related topics (organizers: Romain Murenzi, Italy; Bruno Torresani, France)
  • Operator theory, differential/difference equations, orthogonal polynomials, and special functions (organizers: Juma Shabani, Burundi; Mama Foupouagnigni, Cameroon)
  • Modeling, Analysis, control theory, partial differential equations and cellular automata, mathematical biology/epidemiology, environment(organizers: A. Samed Bernoussi, Morocco; Guy Dègla, Benin)
  • Fluid mechanics, and related topics (organizers: Jean-Chabi Orou, Benin;  )
  • Nonlinear Optics, functional materials and related topics (organizers: Bouchta Sahraoui, France; and )
  • Random matrix theory and related topics
  • Adinkra symbols in mathematical physics
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